How To Make Confident Business Decisions As An Introvert

A quick and easy tip to help you make confident business decisions and stop wasting time doubting yourself.

Doesn’t it just feel hard to make decisions in your business sometimes? Working for yourself is amazing but once in a while I find myself wishing that someone else would just decide for me. Does this happen to you too?

It can be so easy to fall into one of the extremes when it comes to decision making in your business.

Either you jump in quickly without assessing all the details, or you overthink until you’re so stuck in perfectionism and indecision that you don’t move forward at all. Both scenarios are less than perfect and add complication to your business.

I know there are spontaneous decision makers out there but I’ve always been the ‘self-doubt avalanche’ type where I second-guess myself so much that I waste a ton of time and often end up taking no action at all. Not the best way to run a business let me tell you!


Thankfully there is a very simple solution to this problem! I like to call it ‘decision triage.’

I started using this process in my own business because I was so tired of wasting time on self-doubt, comparisonitis and indecision. You can do it too because it is SO easy.

Basically, you have a few clarifying questions that you always ask yourself before you make a decision in your business. Now, I will admit that this process is not infallible and won’t work every single time. But for the most part, this process takes the overwhelm and self-doubt out of decision making and allows you to feel confident in your choices. This means you can move forward quickly and maintain momentum and growth in your business.

Decision Triage involves having three simple questions that you should ask yourself before you make a decision in your business. Here are three that I often use...

“Do I feel joy and confidence about this?”

“Can I maintain this consistently without feeling overwhelmed?”

“Will doing this move me closer to my big picture goal?”

You can absolutely use these questions or create your own questions that are specific to you and your business.

When you ask yourself these questions consistently it becomes second nature and you’ll become much better at making decisions that keep your business simple and heading directly towards your big picture goals.

So there you have it! A very simple way to start making smart and confident decisions in your business and finally leave self-doubt behind. Give it a go :)

Cheering you on,

Michelle xxx